Power to the People:

Can Fresno’s newly-sprouting cannabis industry be a tool for social change? By Dave Fountinelle | dave@fresnoflyer.com Fresno has been one of the few holdouts in the state for allowing brick and mortar cannabis businesses to…

Cannabis vs Covid

By I. smiley G. Calderón | smileygcalderon@gmail.com It’s a serious discussion that we have to have - especially now. But first, you need to stop thinking of cannabis as the ‘pothead’s poison’ or the ‘druggy’s reefer’…

The Dying Suns

By Dave Fountinelle | dave@fresnoflyer.com It has been a brutal year for the music industry, to say the least. The pandemic killed live performances across the globe. The National Independent Venue Association speculates that up…

Masks for Dummies pt. VI

By I. smiley G. Calderón | smileygcalderon@gmail.com Well, now that the election is over and everyone’s happy with the results… (or lack thereof) - Yeah, right! - Just kidding... It’s been one hell of a nightmare…

Gone in an Instant

By: Dave Fountinelle | dave@fresnoflyer.com “This was our family cabin,” Quinn Padilla notes in a video tour of the property where he once lived. He recorded it on Sept. 7th, shortly before the Sheriff’s Office…