Fresno Flyer Offers Free Advertising

Fresno Flyer is opening its pages to businesses and organizations significantly impacted by the 'Shelter in Place' order - to advertise their services for free in the upcoming April issue. A compiled 'Business and Service'…

My Job Depends on TÚ

By I. smiley G. Calderón | The mere mention of Ag Day here in the Central Valley often invites warm thoughts of friends and family - because agriculture is such a big part of…

Travis Brooks: Hard Work Plays Off

By Dave Fountinelle | Travis Brooks is busy. The Central Valley native is currently part of three different music projects, teaches guitar lessons, and, most importantly, is a new dad. Any one of those…

Cannafornication 2020

By I. smiley G. Calderón | Happy New Year! They say hindsight is 2020, but so is our new year. As we usher in the “Roaring Twenties” of our 21st century, what can we…