China Peak Celebrates 60 Years

by Lisa Talley | For Central Valley locals, we all have a bank of memories brimming with similarity. It’s spending those torturous months of summer dragging our inner tubes and floaties to the river,…

On The 30-Year Plan

Glen Delpit and The Subterraneans share how they kept it together for three decades. by Don Priest aka The Hound Dog | 30 Years! About one-third of a lifetime! How many of us can…

Terror At Station Thirteen

by Anglia M Walpool | If you’re looking for a thrill on Halloween tune into Facebook as the Central Valley’s horror guru, Michael Rodriguez will be showcasing his new sci-fi thriller ‘Terror at Station…


Open Streets Event October 1st by Edna Pedroza |  Graphic Designer | The Fresno County Bicycle Coalition is hosting CenCalVia Open Streets Event Sunday, October 1st. So, what is a CenCalVia Open Streets Event?…